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Portugal is a founding member of the European Union (since 1986) and European Monetary Union (since 2002).

Economic and financial policy of the government aimed at stabilization, economic development and efficient growth of production. Portuguese economy provides financial security, as the country is in the euro zone now, though due to global crisis economic activity in Portugal weakened. Manufacturing cost in Portugal is still one of the lowest in the European Union, and much lower than, for example, in Italy, USA, Germany, Spain or France. Portugal has rather low costs of living comparing with other members of the EU, but still keeps high quality of life.


Portugal is a founding member of the European Union and the euro zone. According to the World Bank, the Portuguese economy is the 43rd largest in the world and over the past 40 years one of the OECD economies with highest GDP growth rate.
Having joined the EU in 1986, the country went through a period of strong reforms and investments, mainly in infrastructures, that contributed to a rapid acceleration in Gross Domestic Product. According to OECD, between 1970 and 2003, GDP per capita measured in Parity Purchasing Power (PPP) has grown from 50% to about 70% of the same indicator.
The structure of Portuguese economy is based on the services industry. In 2008, this sector accounted for 73.6% of gross value-added (GVA) and employed 59.3% of the working population. Agriculture, forestry and fisheries generated 2.4% of gross value-added against 24% in 1960 and created 11.5% of the available jobs. Industry, construction, energy and water generated 24% of GVA and accounted for 29.3% of the jobs created.

To establish business in Portugal is easy, fast, modern and safe. According to Global Peace Index 2010 Portugal is one of the most peaceful countries and one of the least corrupt countries in the list out of 180 countries Portugal is a business-friendly destination with widely spread innovative technologies and numerous online services oriented to support your business activities.

For instance, the procedure of the setting up a new company through online service takes only 35 minutes. In Portugal potential investors and businessmen meet new simplifications for formation and development of the companies/enterprises, the new policy of business registration, the exemption from taxes for newly established enterprises during first 5 years of activity, availability of industrial zones with benefits for its users.

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